This is for individuals looking for opportunities to invest, save and hedge against currency devaluation through interest, rental and capital generating real estate opportunities.
This is for qualified, competent and experienced developers who are looking for finance for their new and existing projects.
ExploreAsset Owner
This is for individuals or corporates looking for efficient and secure income generating opportunities for their unused (fallowing) unencumbered real estate assets.
ExploreDistressed Sale
If you have a real estate asset and need funds to meet very urgent obligations, we offer between 50-70% of the value advised by Tier 1 estate valuation professionals, within 3 business days of receipt of all due diligence and valuation reports.
ExploreEasy Rent
We know for a majority of individuals and small businesses, our income goes to home and office space rental, and this large commitment is sometimes a burden. This novel product offers you the opportunity to pay your rent on a monthly basis instead of annually.
ExploreDirect Sale Representative
If you have a good network of people and want to make extra income from real estate opportunity marketing, our referral program guarantees you that extra cash with minimal effort.
ExploreProfessional Services
We partner with subject matter specialists to ensure we are able to provide core and ancillary real estate services.
How to Access Investment Opportunities
Assessing investments on our platforms is very easy. Just follow these simple processes
What We Stand For
Every business must stand for something, while aiming to deliver value to her clients, sponsors and immediate community.
We know that there are no moral shortcuts in life and running a business, so we aim to do the right thing always, because that is the right thing to do. Integrity in action and purpose guides our entire decision making strategy.
Best practice
We contantly learn and re-learn from the practice of the top industry practioners in the segments of the real estate space where we participate. This is to ensure our people and processes role -model best in class service. Our pursuit of excellence means being the best at what we do and how we do it.
Innovation & Simplicity
We aim to always find ways to infuse technology, client experience optimization, and process simplification to solve old problems in new and simple ways.